Adverb of Manner

Adverb of Manner

·         Adverb of manner berasal dari adjective + ly (yang digunakan untuk menerangkan kata kerja).
Adjective :   beautiful 
·         Atau bisa juga menerangkan cara melakukan sesuatu contoh : He does homework lazily; Regina receives the gift happily.
·         Kesimpulan :  Adverb of manner di gunakan untuk menerangkan kata kerja
Adjective menerangkan kata benda
·         Kata yang tidak diberi tambahan (ly) : Hard


make two sentence adverb of manner
make two sentences adjective

Answer :

Ø  Adverb of manner    :            Run quickly, please!
   Adjective                   :            We must think quick and logic
Ø  Adverb of manner   :            He cares his pet badly
Adjective                 :           Ana gets bad mark on English test

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My Mother

My mother is a beautiful person. She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful smile.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she is a good example to me.
She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean.

She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.

She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean.

She always has a smile on hdr face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.

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